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EBSCO is a great collection of information including:
* Natural & Alternative Treatments - containing detailed information on 180 different conditions and the conventional and natural treatments used to the treat them.
* EBSCO Host web - includes a massive index of journals, magazines and other sources with full-text articles.
* Searchasaurs - Great search engine for student research geared toward a younger audience.
* Student Research Center - has the capability of narrowing selected resources when searching a topic.
* Business Searching Interface - is a great resource containing company and industry profiles, market research reports and more for student researching.
* eBooks - Search our library of nearly 500,000 books! These are multi-user; if one student checks out a book, so can the rest of our students! Books are also downloadable!
We recommend starting with Britannica Online for reliable, factual information. It's the World's foremost online encyclopedia in an easy to search form.
Gale Databases provide a large collection of informational databases including: Student Resource Center Gold, Kids InfoBits, Texas Almanac Online, Literature Resource Center.
Britannica in Spanish. Also includes English/Spanish dictionaries.
A truth meter for many stories in the news.
Contains information on careers and includes the online version of the Occupational Handbook.
Use the password your English teacher provides you to check for plagiarism in your work at this site.
MSA format is a breeze when you cite your sources using this database.
Cites references in MLA, ALA, Turabian, and the Chicago Manual.
Check your AR points and what books you've read from home!
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