FMS Dress Code
The student and parent may determine the student’s personal dress and grooming standards; however, certain guidelines must be followed:
1. A student’s dress and/or grooming should not lead school officials to believe that such dress or grooming will disrupt, interfere with, disturb, or detract from school activities.
3. A student’s dress and/or grooming shall not create a health or other hazard to the student’s safety or to the safety of others. Shoes must be worn.
4. A student’s dress will not include yoga pants, basketball shirts, tank tops, or shirts with objectionable or inappropriate language.
5. Students may not wear shorts, skirts, slits, holes/tears that are higher than three inches above the kneecap. If the student wears tights/leggings; the shirt, dress, or skirt on top must still meet the three inch guideline.
6. No body piercing on anyone, other than earrings on girls’ ears, is allowed. No earrings for boys. Covered piercings are not allowed. Boys and girls are not allowed to wear “grills” while at school.
7. Students may not wear caps or hats while in the building.
8. A student may not wear pajamas or house slippers.
9. Tattoos must be covered.
Dress Code is at the discretion of the administration.